OES has a succinct brochure, which sets out the OES Executive Committee’s views of the potential for and development of ocean energy to 2050, including some specific and measurable goals for ocean energy, relating to job creation and emissions reductions.
Utilization of ocean energy resources will contribute to the world’s future sustainable energy supply. Ocean energy will supply electricity, drinking water and other products at competitive prices, creating jobs and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. It will reduce the world energy sector’s carbon emissions, whilst minimizing impacts on marine environments.
The resurgence of interest in marine energy arises from social and political changes requiring emissions reductions and replacement of fossil fuel generation with renewable energy generation. Governments around the world are setting renewable energy targets, both statutory and aspirational, whilst putting in place mechanisms and policies to secure greenhouse gas emissions. Some forms of ocean energy may be constant enough for baseload electricity generation, whilst most forms of ocean energy are reasonable forecastable and reliable, such that both diversity and security of supply can be enhanced. Some forms of ocean energy will yield alternative products, including drinking water, heating, cooling and biofuels. New industries may be created or transferred from declining industries, which will lead to creation of new jobs and/ or promote investment in new skills and capabilities.
Future development of the ocean energy sector will be linked with developments in other sectors, such as offshore wind energy, exploiting positive synergies in technology developments (e.g., components), infrastructure, supply chain and policies. There will be significant opportunities for co-location of technologies; for example, ocean energy and offshore wind energy, utilizing common platforms or wave/wave or wind/tidal hybrid systems. Mutual learning processes, shared infrastructure and innovations from a shared supply chain will be of great benefit to the future expansion of both the ocean energy sector and related sectors.
The OES international co-operation facilitates:
The Executive Committee (ExCo) is continuing to develop a suite of information dissemination tools that will assist the OES in becoming a leading international authority on ocean energy. Ocean energy remains an emerging technology area and will continue to benefit from the existence of the international collaboration mechanism offered under the Technology Collaboration Programme contract.